Thursday, November 28, 2019

Anorexia Nervosa Essays (1522 words) - Eating Disorders,

Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia is an eating disorder that usually strikes women between the ages of fifteen and thirty-five. An estimated one thousand females will die each year from anorexia. About eighty percent of females suffer from a sub clinical eating disorder and twenty percent will turn into full-blown anorexics in their lifetime. These are statistics that we know of. Anorexia can be hidden very well by many that suffer from it; therefore there are many cases we do not know of. Anorexia is a disorder in which preoccupation with dieting and thinness leads to excessive weight loss. The individual may not realize that weight loss or restricted eating is a problem. (Internet Mental Health Anorexia may not be noticed in the early stages because it often starts as an innocent diet. They often become hyperactive because they exercise frantically in an attempt to burn calories to lose weight. Even though the anorexic is emaciated, she still feels "fat" and wants to hide her "ugly, fat body". A victim does not need to appear underweight or even average to suffer any signs or symptoms of anorexia. Many men and women with eating disorders appear not to be underweight, but this does not mean they suffer any less or are in any less danger. This is why in later and more dangerous stages; family members may not notice the disease because the anorexic usually wears layered and baggy clothes. ( Presence of a low self-esteem is the most common element in anorexia nervosa. Stress, anxiety and unhappiness can also be leading factors in an anorexic life. Anorexia is their way of dealing and coping with the negative things going on in their life. Most people with eating disorders share certain personality traits, low self-esteem, feelings of helplessness and a fear of becoming fat. People with Anorexia tend to be "too good to be true." They rarely disobey, keep their feelings to themselves, and tend to be perfectionists, good students, and excellent athletes. Some researchers believe that people with anorexia restrict food, particularly carbohydrates, to gain a sense of control in some area of their lives. They have followed the wishes of others in their lives, and they have not learned how to cope with the problems typical of adolescence, growing up, and becoming independent. Controlling their own weight offers two advantages in their eyes; first they can take control of their bodies and secondly, gain approval of others. Eventually they become out of control, becoming dangerously thin. (Microsoft? Encarta 98 Encyclopedia). Victims suffering with Anorexia get a sense of power out of their eating disorder. It is not uncommon to find an anorexic that feels high after periods of starvation. This is due to their feelings of inadequacy. Their poor self image and perception leads to feelings of guilt, they feel like they never do anything right and nothing they ever do is enough. Starvation is an accomplishment in their eyes, something they can do right. They also feel that their life would be better if they could lose weight, or that more people would like them if they lost weight. Anorexics feel a need to control physical and emotional surroundings. In this way eating disorders are a negative coping mechanism, used to control emotions or to keep them suppressed. It feels easier to think about food, food intake, hunger, planning meals or avoiding them, instead of dealing with their emotions. Eating disorders can have a numbing effect, and can give victims a feeling of power over their emotions. (Mind & Body- Signs and symptoms- Something Fishy Website on Eating Disorders) Another major reason why women develop anorexia nervosa is societal pressures. In our society today there is an obsession with being thin in order to be beautiful. The waif look was recently popular causing many people to want to look like the models in magazines. Genetic factors can also play a role in anorexia. Eating disorders appear to run in families. Female relatives are most often affected. Although genetic factors may play a role in the development of anorexia, other influences play a role such as behavioral and environmental. A recent study found that mothers who are overly concerned about their daughter's weight and physical attractiveness might put the girls at increased risk of developing an eating disorder. Also girls with eating disorders often have a father and brothers who are overly critical of their weight. (Eating Disorders-Decade of the Brain The most famous known case of Anorexia is probably that of Karen Carpenter, who died from heart failure resulting

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Impact of Industrial Pollution on Human Health Essay Example

Impact of Industrial Pollution on Human Health Essay Example Impact of Industrial Pollution on Human Health Paper Impact of Industrial Pollution on Human Health Paper Essay Topic: Water pollution Moreover high quality machinery should be used and should be roper installed. The awareness campaign should also be arranged to aware the industrialist about the harmfulness they are creating for the people and also the people should be aware of the danger they are living with. Introduction Industrialization one hand provide us ease but the black side of these industries is that they are too much harmful for our health due the wastage they are producing and also the dangerous gases the are discharging in the air everyday. These gases not only affect our health but it is also destroying the ozone layer. The destroying of this ozone layer is resulting in the rise of enrapture. Evidence suggested that over 14 common diseases involving perhaps 90000 deaths a year could be conservatively linked to the results of industrial pollution in KICK. In France 40% of hospital admissions linked to industrial pollution. (Fresh, 2005). The industrial sector of Islamabad is located in 1-9 and I-I O sector on the boarder of Islamabad and Rawlins which was established in 1963. The Industrial state comprises of more then 200 factories spreader over 625 acres of land. These industries are managed by the CAD (Capital Development Authority). CAD is providing the water supply to the industries but numbers of industries have installed their own tube wells due to inadequate supply of water from CAD. The natural drains eventually lead to a single drain in the area known as Annual Ala. The entire electricity equipment is provided by WPAD. In the master plane of industrial state of Islamabad the industries are isolated from the residential areas through a buffer zone but now the residential area is developed very closed to the industrial areas because of the removal of buffer zone by CAD. Industrial state has been categorized into eight segments I. E. Tell melting furnaces, rolling mills, flour mills, oil and ghee, marble cutting and polishing, pharmaceuticals gallivanting metal working and engineering. The detail of different industrial units operating in industrial area of Islamabad is indicated below. Types and number of factories I Types of Industries II steel melting furnaces, I Approximate number 8 12. Relining mills 13. Flour mills, 14. Oil and ghee 5. Marble cutting and polishing units 16. Pharmaceuticals 7. gallivanting 18. Metal working and engineering units Total 125 15 110 12 23 Survey report-Environmental report of industrial estate Islamabad Government of Pakistan (2006) environmental survey in the industrial area of 1-9 and 1-10) The steel melting industries are contributing heavily to air pollution in the industrial state of 1-9 and 1-10. The furnaces produces metal dusts, slam and gaseous emissions. Smoke is produced during charging of the furnace. Air emission from the industry includes nitrogen dioxide, secular dioxide and carbon monoxide and thick black smoke. Particularly pollution is generated due to poor quality of scrap bundled Scrap which is being used by Meltzer consists mainly of spent containers of edible oil, paints lubricants and even Auber. There are 11 re-rolling mills and using locally manufactures billets, which are reheated in gas or oil fired open gas furnace. The environment related issue is the occasional discharge of black smoke. Large quantities of steam are used as a main heating medium in ghee manufacturing processes. Steam is also used for creating the vacuum required in ghee manufacturing. During this time major air emissions are nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide. The extremely high level of consumption of fresh water by these industries has resulted in generation of large volume of waste water. Major waste water pollutants from this industry include oil and grease, soaps and suspended solids. There are 31 marble cutting and polishing units in the industrial area of Islamabad The excess water displaced by the gathering sludge overflows without properly settling and is discharged into the effluent channels of the industrial estate. This water carries large amounts of marble powder, which gradually settles at the bottom of the drain channels. The marble sludge in the settling tanks is removed periodically and dumped in the vicinity of the factory. Eventually; the sludge dries in the sun and its particle become airborne. This causes air pollution problems for the inhabitants of the surrounding area. In some marble units, settling pits are not cleaned as scheduled, clogging effluent drain channels in the vicinity of the marble unit. Disposal of recovered sludge is the major environmental problem facing the marble manufacturing units. Another solid wastes generated by the marble units is the cutting waste. There are about ten pharmaceutical industries in III. Sulfuric acid is being used extensively to remove dust and scale. Gallivanting process releases acidic fumes and generate waste waters and solid wastes. Objectives 1 . To study the socio-economic conditions of the respondent. 2. To study the factors affecting health of people in the industrial area of Islamabad. 3. To explore the awareness among people in industrial area regarding environmental pollution on health problem statement Effects of the air pollution coming out of industries affecting the health of people living in the sectors of Islamabad (1-9 and I-ID). RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Methodology is actually is a system of principles which guide the scientific investigation. The purpose of methodology is to describe the research deign. It works as the guideline for the researcher. In the present research the data will be analyzed with the help of statistical package for Social sciences. A prepared set of questions will be designed to generate data necessarily for accomplishing the objectives of the research project. In order to conduct the present research, quantitative research method was used to get the proposed information from the respondents. A sample of 260 respondents had been drawn through simple random sampling techniques, 104 respondents had been selected from 1-9 sector and 156 respondents had been selected from I-I Sectors. In the present study the data was collected tit the help of interview schedule. An interview schedule is a set of questions, which are asked to the respondents in face to face interaction. The data was systematically tabulated and statistically analyzed to bring into equivalent forms. Different statistical tools and techniques were used for the analysis and interpretation of results. The data was analyzed by SPAS.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Cosmology Theory and Sikhism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

The Cosmology Theory and Sikhism - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that cosmology is the study of the universe, otherwise known as the cosmos to evaluate its origin, evolution and its fate in the face of different environmental, political, religious and social forces. Cosmology theory has for years fronted an argument that the existence of the universe is enough evidence that a supreme being who created it exists. However, atheist continue to ask questions on the roles of a supernatural power in the existence of the universe and the role that god play in the entire issue of cosmos existence. The cosmological theory provides one of the only logical explanations for the existence of the universe and the presence of God who controls everything that happens within. Otherwise referred to as the first cause argument about the origin of the universe and a supreme being, the cosmological theory has been adopted by other religious organizations across the globe. The cosmological theory has also embraced an atheist point of views by providing arguments that explain how the universe began, the creative process and the person who was in charge of the creation. The cosmological argument was developed from various philosophical arguments including the positions taken by Plato, Aristotle, and the Neoplatonic traditions. Common Muslim thinkers like Al-Ghazali, Jewish philosophers like Maimonides and Christian scholastic thinkers like Aquinas and Scotus contributed to the development of the cosmological arguments. Â