Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Smoking In Public Places

Question: Describe about the Smoking In Public Places? Answer: Smoking is injurious to health. This is a truth no one can deny. Smoking harms most of the organs of the body. 87 % of lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking (, 2015). It also causes many other health problems. These include cancer of the mouth, liver, stomach, kidneys, pancreas, cervix, colon, rectum, throat, liver. Autoimmune system also gets hampered due to smoking. There may be disturbance in vision and blindness may also occur. Blood vessels get thickened and it thus increases blood pressure. Bones get weak and it gives rise to osteoporosis. Chronic asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis and other pulmonary disease are other problems that arise due to smoking. Women who smoke get problems during pregnancy ( Smoking kills millions of people every year. Smoking causes about one in five deaths in United States each year. About 480,000 deaths happen annually, including the deaths from passive smoking in U.S.A. (Jha et al.). Smoking is not only injurious for the smoker but also for other people. The smoke coming is breathed in by others who are nearby and they also develop the same problems. This is known as passive smoking or second hand smoking ( It is a cause of danger for everyone. The smoke coming from tobacco has thousands of chemicals out of which over 50 are causes of cancer. Compounds like ammonia, formaldehyde, sulphur irritate the throat, nose, eyes, and lungs. These become harmful to people suffering from respiratory diseases like asthma and bronchitis. Exposure to smoking triggers symptoms and worsens them. Passive smoking has been proved to be a cause for lung cancer by different health organisations(Better Health Channel). Breathing in such second hand smoke is harmful in children. They develop chances of cot death, developing asthma, meningitis, cold and cough, hearing problem ( Passive smoking increase risk of stillbirth, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy in pregnant wo men. The more the woman is exposed to smoking, the more is the chance of getting affected by it. Pregnant woman who are subjected to passive smoking have a tendency to give birth to babies who are susceptible to cancer. The same genetic damage in unborn infants occurs as in adult smokers who have cancerous tumour (Mail Online, 2014). These factors have led to ban on smoking in public places. Now-a-days many countries across the world have put a ban on smoking in private places. There are the public policies, consisting of laws and regulations related to health and safety that inhibit smoking of tobacco in public places. Smoking is optional in our lives. But breathing is definitely not optional. Thus banning smoking from public places ensures protection of people from effects of passive smoking which are cancer, heart disease among the others. There are legislators where there are evidences for harmful effects of smoking and passive smoking. Other reasons why smoking is banned in public places are reduction in risk of occurrence of fire where explosives are present, cleanliness in the places where medicines, food, instruments, machinery are made, less amount of litter. We all know that cigarette smoking is injurious to health. The Government of different country invests a lot of money every year behind anti smoking campaign (The Washington post). The question is whether smoking should be banned in public or not? To address this we need to consider the ill effects of smoking. According to American Lung Association Cigarettes composed of about 600 ingredients. When someone burn it, they are generating several chemical compounds and the number is 7000 (American Lung Association). Many of the similar compounds found in cigars as well as hookahs and pipes. According to a report of the National Cancer Institute cigars contain higher amount of toxins, carcinogen and tar than cigarettes (National Cancer Institute). In United State the rate of death or mortality rate of smokers is three times more compare to non smoker. Smoking causes severe systemic damage to our vital systems. One of the components of tobacco is Nicotine. Its a stimulant of nervous system. But when its effect are subsided people might be feeling tired and crave more. Smoking may cause the risk of cataracts, and poor eyesight and degeneration of muscle. If a person withdraws smoking, it will make him irritated, anxious and depressed. Smoking causes harm to lung system. Gradually our lung will lose the capacity of filtering. Smokers have the tendency to develop colds, flu and respiratory infections compare to others. Smoking reduces the level of good cholesterol and increase the blood pressure. It increases the risk of blood clot formation. Apart from that it has great impact on our digestive system, our external organs and our reproductive system. A smoker experience different complications during her pregnancy period which include miscarriage, problem with premature delivery. A pregnant mother who is exposed to passive smoking has the higher chance of delivering a baby with low weight during birth. So people should be careful enough while smoking. They should keep in mind that they are not only harming themselves but also their upcoming generations. But confliction regarding antismoking campaign does exist regarding the following issue ( Smokers who already pay a high amount of money as tax need the write of smoking. It hurts small businesses. The harm causes by smoking can be reduced by educating the smokers. Encourage them to use electronic cigarettes. Considering the above facts it seems that we should allow smoking in public place. But before being judgmental we need to think several times. For some people smoking is not a substance for addiction, for them it is the commodity for showing their status and luxury. They spend a handsome amount of money for their luxury. We should always remember that it is a habit which leads a person to death. As a responsible citizen of a country we need to take care about the well being of our country. Number of people affected by passive smoking is also very high. So considering this facts one should avoid smoking in a public place. They should understand that banning smoking in public place is not the curbing of their fundamental write. Smokers need to be sensitive enough that the future of their country lies on their present. References: American Lung Association,. 'What's In A Cigarette? - American Lung Association'. N.p., 2015. Web. 26 June 2015.,. 'Health Effects Of Smoking | Be Tobacco Free.Gov'. N.p., 2015. Web. 26 June 2015. Better Health Channel,. 'Passive Smoking - Better Health Channel'. N.p., 2015. Web. 26 June 2015.,. 'In Defense Of Smokers | Heartland Institute'. N.p., 2015. Web. 26 June 2015. Jha, Prabhat et al. '21St-Century Hazards Of Smoking And Benefits Of Cessation In The United States'.New England Journal of Medicine368.4 (2013): 341-350. Web. 26 June 2015. Mail Online,. 'Passive Smoking Increases Risk Of Miscarriage And Stillbirth'. N.p., 2014. Web. 26 June 2015. National Cancer Institute,. 'Cigar Smoking And Cancer'. N.p., 2015. Web. 26 June 2015,. 'Is Passive Smoking Harmful? - Health Questions - NHS Choices'. N.p., 2015. Web. 26 June 2015.,. 'Smoking: Medlineplus'. N.p., 2015. Web. 26 June 2015.

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